Thursday, March 4, 2010

At My Sister's Humble Service

As always, she commands and I follow.  Today my sister sent me an email about our upcoming Sister-Friend Week in Vegas.  I can't believe she is up and having clear thoughts after her wild night last night partying with Elton John and the Piano Man.  But, she is and it's my eternal burden to tag along behind her and do what she thinks is a good idea.  Usually, she is right and today is no exception.  Her email suggests that we create a blog so we can post our adventures in Vegas and drive our husbands and family crazy with our outlandish behavior.  I agree that we should find ways to torment our dearly beloveds and so here is our blog.  I hope she doesn't mind that I'm taking it a step further than just our Vegas trip.  Afterall, we have had some pretty good adventures over the years.......but that is for a later posting......until then, the countdown (according to Rene) is 17 days.  But who's counting.............

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